Science-backed sensations to enhance your mood.

Magnetism is a significant part of our world

Magnetic fields protect our planet from solar radiation and guide animals like turtles, birds, and bees during migrations. Our science builds on these natural forces to improve how we experience the world, creating functional and enhanced experiences.

Recording and Replaying

Electromagnetic forces influence molecules and our metabolic receptors. The development of the SQUID magnetometer made sensitive measurement of molecular electromagnetic fingerprints possible. In 2017, our parent company, EMulate Therapeutics, developed a technology that uses these molecular fingerprints to produce therapeutic effects with frequencies of around 22kHz.

Hapbee builds on that device and its clinical research, recording fingerprints of caffeine and melatonin—both of which have booming industries around them—and delivering mood enhancement benefits without specifically needing coffee or a bedtime ritual.

  • Record

    Molecules extremely weak magnetic signals are isolated and digitized.

  • Store

    Recordings are integrated into the App for control and playback.

  • Replay

    Hapbee devices recreate these specific magnetic fields with you in control of the playback.

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Blends are Digital Recordings of Single Molecules' Magnetic Properties

  • Deep Sleep

    Recorded from Melatonin. A natural hormone produced by the body in response to darkness (timing of your circadian rhythms) to help you stay asleep.

  • Alert

    Recorded from Caffeine. Stimuates the brain and nervous system. A mild cognitive enhancer to increase alertness and attentional performance.

  • Focus

    Recorded from Nicotine. Stimulant drug that speeds up the messages travelling between the brain and body. It can improve concentration, memory, motivation and mood.

  • Relax

    Recorded from CBD. Commonly used to treat chronic pain, anxiety, inflammation, insomnia and help with relaxation

  • Calm

    Recorded from THC. THC is often used to help with issues like pain or insomnia. Some use it help with depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and social anxiety.

  • Happy

    Recorded from Alcohol. Used to increase your sense of wellbeing, increase calm and lower inhibitions.

  • Bedtime

    Recorded from Adenosine. Adenosine is a natural compound produced by the body. It promotes the sleep drive, or a person's need for sleep.

  • Boost

    Recorded from Theobromine. The natural stimulant found in dark chocolate. that can boost mood, cognitive function, and physical performance.

White Papers on Magnetic Fields and Sleep

Targeted magnetic fields have been shown to be capable of triggering responses and changes in biological systems. Learn how magnetic fields can cause effects in humans and animals, read the technical white paper from our technology partner, EMulate Therapeutics.